
Synergism Effect of Water Reducing Agent and Thickening Agent on Rheological Properties of Full Tailings Slurry

  • 摘要: 外加剂广泛应用于改善全尾砂料浆的性能,但减水剂与增稠剂的相互作用和最佳配比对料浆流变性能的影响仍需深入研究。为探究外加剂互掺对全尾砂料浆的协同作用及相互占位效应,将减水剂聚羧酸醚(PCE)和增稠剂羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)混掺入钼尾矿料浆中,通过流变实验获取不同外加剂掺量条件下全尾砂料浆的流变参数,分析外加剂互掺对全尾砂料浆流变性能的影响规律。用碳吸附测量法测定尾矿颗粒对外加剂的吸附量,探究全尾砂料浆中外加剂之间的协同作用及占位效应。研究结果表明,PCE与HPMC掺量最优配比为0.03%和0.10%,通过合理控制增稠剂与减水剂在全尾砂料浆的掺量,可充分发挥外加剂之间的协同作用,确保在外加剂用量最小情况下获得最大的吸附量(1.12 mg/g),既提高全尾砂料浆的流动性,也可改善全尾砂料浆的稳定性。然而,当两类外加剂掺量过量时,全尾砂对外加剂的总吸附量小于二者单掺吸附量之和,HPMC与PCE之间存在占位效应,相互影响了颗粒对外加剂的吸附作用。因此,合理控制外加剂掺量实现协同作用对改善全尾砂料浆性能至关重要。


    Abstract: Admixtures are widely used to improve the filling performance of full−tailings slurry, but there is relatively little research on the mutual influence between different types of admixtures. To investigate the synergism and mutual site−occupancy effect of the admixtures on full−tailings slurry, the water reducing agent of polycarboxylate ether (PCE) and the thickening agent of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) were mixed into the molybdenum full−tailings slurry. The rheological parameters of the full−tailings slurry with different admixture dosages were obtained through rheological performance testing, and the influence of the blending of the additives on the rheological properties of the full−tailings slurry was analyzed. The carbon adsorption measurement method was employed to determine the adsorption capacity of the additives and to explore the synergism and site−occupancy mechanism between the additives in the full−tailings slurry. The results indicate that the combination of PCE (0.03%) and HPMC (0.10%) has a higher plastic viscosity and a lower yield stress, which is considered to be optimal. The synergism between the additives can be fully produced by reasonably controlling the dosage of thickeners and water reducers in the full−tailings slurry, ensuring the maximum adsorption capacity of 1.12 mg/g with minimal dosage of additives, which can not only improve the fluidity of the full−tailings slurry but also enhance its stability, thus achieving the maximization of strengths and avoidance of weaknesses. However, when the dosage of the two individual additives is excessive, the total adsorption capacity of the additives on the unclassified tailings is less than the sum of the adsorption capacity of the two single additives. This is attributed to the site−occupancy effect between HPMC and PCE, which destroys the adsorption capacity of the particles on the additives. Therefore, it is crucial to control the dosage of the different types of additives in a sensible way, so as to create a synergism between the additives that can improve the performance of the filling slurry.


