
Flotation Purification of Phosphogypsum and Preparation of β−hemihydrate Gypsum

  • 摘要: 磷石膏大量堆存对环境有着重大威胁,杂质含量高、白度低等特点严重制约其高值化应用。以湖北省某企业磷石膏作为研究对象,结合磷石膏工艺矿物学研究,采用分级浮选进行其高效提纯,结果表明:盐酸、水玻璃、捕收剂ZX−4−4、起泡剂Q1作为浮选药剂时,经过一次粗选、两次精选和中矿顺序返回的闭路工艺流程,磷石膏中CaSO4·2H2O含量由89.65%提升至98.15%,品位远高于磷石膏国标GB/T 23456—2018一级品要求,白度由37.10%提升至52.44%,总回收率最高达83.47%;其中,磷石膏中二氧化硅含量由6.16%降低至0.58%,铁含量最低降低至0.0062%,直接焙烧所制备的β半水石膏白度超过80%。采用浮选的方法可显著提高磷石膏品质及其制品的性能。


    Abstract: The large−scale stockpiling of phosphogypsum poses a significant environmental challenge, mainly due to its high impurity content and low whiteness, which critically limit its potential for high−value applications. This study investigated phosphogypsum from a plant in Hubei Province, integrating process mineralogy with graded flotation for efficient purification. The results showed that the use of hydrochloric acid, water glass, collector ZX−4−4 and frother Q1 in a closed circuit flotation process − consisting of one rougher flotation, two cleaner flotations and a sequential middle return−significantly improved the quality of the material. Specifically, the CaSO4−2H2O content of the phosphogypsum was increased from 89.65% to 98.15%, while the whiteness improved from 37.10% to 52.44%. The overall recovery rate reached 83.47% with a significant reduction in impurities: silica content decreased from 6.16% to 0.58% and iron content was minimized to 0.0062%. The whiteness of the β−hemihydrate gypsum produced by direct calcination of the purified phosphogypsum exceeded 80%, significantly exceeding the first grade specifications of the national standard GB/T 23456−2018 for phosphogypsum. Thus, the flotation process significantly improved both the quality of the phosphogypsum and the performance of the derived products.


