
Optimization of Waste Rock−Tailings Cemented Backfill Mix Proportion Based on RSM-BBD

  • 摘要: 针对全尾砂胶结充填体强度低、高浓度充填易堵管等问题,利用废石−尾砂混合骨料替代单一尾砂骨料进行井下充填。为确定充填料浆优化配比,首先对充填材料进行物化特性分析,再根据泰波理论对废石骨料的级配进行分析,在此基础上利用Design−Exper软件中的Box−Behnken中心组合实验设计及响应面法(RSM)研究了砂灰比、废石质量分数和料浆质量浓度对充填体强度和充填料浆流动性的影响规律,最后以不同养护龄期的充填体强度和料浆流动性为响应值建立了三元二次回归模型,并对该模型的适用性进行了验证。结果表明,砂灰比和料浆质量浓度的交互作用对充填体强度影响显著,而废石质量分数和料浆质量浓度的交互作用对充填料浆流动性的影响显著。以充填成本最低作为目标,建立条件约束模型进行优化,由此获得充填料浆的优化配比为砂灰比为7∶1,废石质量分数70%,料浆质量浓度84%,最终料浆稠度值和28 d龄期充填体强度分别114 mm和5.13 MPa,该配比可以满足矿山对充填体强度和料浆流动性的要求。


    Abstract: To address the issue of low strength in cemented fully tailings backfill and the susceptibility to pipe blockage during high−concentration filling, a mixed aggregate composed of waste rock and tailings as an alternative to single tailings aggregate for underground filling. In order to determine the optimal ratio of filling slurry, the physical and chemical properties of filling materials were characterized, and the grading of waste rock aggregate according to the Talbol theory. using the Box−Behnken central composite design and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in the Design−Expert software, the effects of tailings−to−binder ratio, waste rock mass fraction, and slurry mass concentration on the mechanical strength of the filling body and the flowability of the filling slurry were systematically investigated. A ternary quadratic regression model was then established, taking the compressive strength and flowability of the filling slurry at different curing ages as response values, and its applicability was validated. The results revealed that the interaction between the tailings−to−binder ratio and slurry mass concentration significantly influenced the strength of the filling body, while the interaction between the waste rock mass fraction and slurry mass concentration prominently affected the flowability of the filling slurry. By setting the minimum filling cost as the optimization objective, a conditionally constrained model was established, yielding optimized filling slurry proportions of a 7∶1 tailings−to−binder ratio, 70% waste rock mass fraction, 84% slurry mass concentration, with a slurry consistency of 114 mm and a 28 day compressive strength of 5.13 MPa. These optimized proportions meet the requirements for both filling body strength and slurry flowability in mining applications.


