
Experimental Study on Particle Grading Priority of Waste Rock−Slurry Bonding Filling in Xifeng Phosphate Mine

  • 摘要: 为了降低充填成本和排土场废石堆积给矿山带来的安全隐患,针对息烽磷矿采用废石−料浆胶结充填工艺,通过响应曲面法、技术经济分析和微观结构表征相结合的研究手段,分析主要影响因素敏感性,优化充填配比参数,揭示其水化产物作用机理。研究结果表明:充填体单轴抗压强度的影响因素敏感程度的大小顺序为料浆质量浓度>水泥与粉煤灰质量比>灰石比,在料浆质量浓度55%、灰石比7∶20、水泥与粉煤灰质量比87∶100的条件下,充填体强度达到10.60 MPa,每年节约总成本超131万元/10万t充填材料。优选的充填体孔隙结构被硅酸钙(C−S−H)、氢氧化钙(CH)及钙矾石(AFt)等水化产物与未参与水化反应的粉煤灰联合填充,微观结构表现为致密,具有较强的抵抗外界压缩破坏的能力。研究成果可为露天转地下的矿山充填安全开采提供理论依据和技术支撑。


    Abstract: To reduce the cost of filling and the potential safety hazards caused by the accumulation of waste rock in the waste dump, the waste rock−slurry cemented filling process is adopted in Xifeng Phosphorite Mine. Through a combination of research methods such as the response surface method, technical and economic analysis and microstructure characterization, the sensitivity of the main influencing factors was analyzed. Besides, the filling ratio parameters were optimized, and the mechanism of the hydration products was revealed. The research results indicated that the sensitivity of the influencing factors of the uniaxial compressive strength of the filling body is in the order of slurry concentration>cement to fly ash mass ratio > ash to rock ratio. Under the conditions of 55% slurry concentration, ash−to−rock ratio of 7∶20, and cement−to−fly ash ratio of 87∶100, the strength of the filling body reaches 10.60 MPa, saving a total cost of over 1.31 million yuan/100,000 t of filling material per year. The pore structure of the optimized filling bodies is filled with hydration products such as calcium silicate (C−S−H), calcium hydroxide (CH) and alumina (AFt) in combination with fly ash that is not involved in the hydration reaction. The microstructure is dense and has strong resistance to external compression damage. The research results can provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the safe mining of open−pit to underground filling.


