
Experimental Study on Refined Flocculation and Settlement Parameters of Ultrafine Unclassified tailings from Yinshan Mine

  • 摘要: 银山矿全尾砂−19 μm颗粒约占51%,属于超细全尾砂,处理过程中面临浓密脱水难度大的问题,且深锥浓密效果受到季节变化以及尾砂入料质量浓度的显著影响。因此,为提升银山矿深锥浓密机沉降效果,通过室内物化性质检测、室内絮凝沉降实验、现场半工业实验,开展了超细全尾砂精细化絮凝实验研究。结果表明:优选出的DR1030絮凝剂,在尾砂浆质量浓度10%时絮凝剂单耗为30.0 g/t(夏季)、33.0 g/t(其他季节),尾砂浆质量浓度15%时絮凝剂单耗为35.0 g/t(夏季)、38.0 g/t(其他季节)。半工业实验条件下,DR1030絮凝剂的实际单耗34.0 g/t,与现场絮凝剂相比,低4.4 g/t;DR1030对应的底流质量浓度波动性更小,质量浓度更高,平均值提高2.6百分点;扩展度测试表明DR1030对料浆流动性无明显影响。本次实验为提升银山矿充填质量提供了重要的工艺参数,对其他相似矿山也具有一定的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: The tailings from the Yinshan Mine contain approximately 51% ultrafine particles of less than 19 μm, presenting significant challenges to the thickening and dewatering processes. In particular, the effectiveness of deep cone thickeners is particularly affected by seasonal variations and the quality and concentration of the tailings feed. In order to improve the settlement performance of the deep cone thickener at the Yinshan Mine. Comprehensive experiments were conducted, including physical and chemical property tests, laboratory−scale flocculation settlement experiments, and semi−industrial experimental focusing on the flocculation of ultrafine unclassified tailings. The results showed that DR1030 proved to be the optimal flocculant. At a tailings slurry concentration of 10%, the consumption of DR1030 was 30.0 g/t in summer and 33.0 g/t in other seasons; at a 15% slurry concentration, the consumption was 35.0 g/t in summer and 38.0 g/t in other seasons. Under semi−industrial experimental conditions, the actual consumption of DR1030 was 34.0 g/t, which was 4.4 g/t less than that of the existing flocculants. Furthermore, the underflow concentration with DR1030 exhibited more stable and higher mass concentration, which was improved by 2.6%. Slump flow measurement demonstrated that DR1030 had no significant effect on the fluidity of the slurry. This study provides critical process parameters that can improve cemented paste backfill quality at the Yinshan Mine, as well as valuable insights for similar mining operations.


