
Research Progress on the Utilization of Iron Tailings as Building Materials

  • 摘要: 铁尾矿是铁矿石开发过程中产生的主要固体废弃物,铁尾矿建材化利用是其规模化消纳的重要方向之一。从铁尾矿的物理、化学特性入手,综述了国内外铁尾矿制备建筑材料方面的研究进展,主要包括:(1)水泥;(2)混凝土,主要作为人造粗/细骨料,或经活化处理后作为胶凝材料等;(3)砖材,包括烧结砖、蒸压砖、陶瓷砖、透水砖、免蒸免烧砖等;(4)墙体材料,包括混凝土墙体材料、新型墙板材料如隔声材料与保温隔热材料等;(5)陶瓷材料,包括玻化砖、微晶玻璃、发泡陶瓷等;(6)路用材料,包括路基填料、路面基层、底基层等。分析了铁尾矿建材化利用存在的主要问题和未来发展趋势。由于铁尾矿粒径跨度大、部分粒度细、级配差、活性差、性能波动大、不同铁尾矿性质差异大等特点,导致在建材化利用过程中存在掺量小、处理成本高、产品性能差等问题。提出依据铁尾矿特点开发高效、简单的生产工艺路线。明确进一步降低生产成本,提高产品价值,是目前铁尾矿建材化利用的迫切需求。


    Abstract: Iron tailings are the main solid waste produced in the process of iron ore development, and the utilization of iron tailings as building materials is one of the important directions for its large−scale consumption. Based on the physical and chemical characteristics of iron tailings, the research progress in the preparation of building materials from iron tailings at home and abroad is reviewed, including: (1) cement; (2) concrete, mainly as artificial coarse/fine aggregate, or as a cementing material after activation treatment; (3) brick materials, such as sintered brick, autoclaved brick, ceramic brick, permeable brick, and steam−free and burn−free brick; (4) wall materials, including concrete wall materials, new wall materials such as sound insulation materials and thermal insulation materials; (5) ceramic materials, such as porcelain tile, glass ceramics, and foamed ceramics; (6) road materials, including subgrade filling material, road base course, and subbase course. The major problems and future development trends of iron tailings in building materials applications are analyzed. Due to the characteristics of iron tailings, such as large particle size range, fine particle size in some parts, poor grading, poor activity, large performance fluctuation and large difference in properties of different iron tailings, there are some problems in the process of building materials utilization, such as small dosage, high treatment cost and poor product performance. According to the characteristics of iron tailings, an efficient and simple production process route is proposed. It is urgent to further reduce the production cost and improve the product value.


