
Development Status and Prospects of Coal Based Solid Waste Filling Materials and Filling Mining Technology

  • 摘要: 煤基固废是主要的工业废弃物,其规模化处置利用对于煤炭行业可持续发展和矿区生态环境保护具有重要现实意义。充填开采作为兼具煤基固废井下处置和“三下”压煤回收的绿色开采方式,20多年来得到了快速发展和应用,形成了以固体和膏体为主要充填材料形式、以综采充填和连采充填为主要工艺的技术体系。梳理了以煤矸石和粉煤灰为代表的煤基固废充填开采的技术特点和分类,煤矸石、粉煤灰、炉渣、气化渣、脱硫石膏等固废的基本物理化学性质表明,煤基固废具有作为充填材料的可行性,分别总结了矸石固体和膏体充填材料的压缩特性,分析了连采连充与综采充填两种主要充填开采工艺的特点,在拓宽煤基固废充填材料范围、提高充填开采生产能力、降低充填成本等方面进行了展望,以期为煤基固废充填开采未来发展提供思路。


    Abstract: Coal based solid waste is one of the major industrial wastes, and its large−scale disposal and utilization are of great practical significance for the sustainable development of the coal industry and the protection of the ecological environment in mining areas. As a green mining method that combines underground disposal of coal based solid waste and "three down" coal pressure recovery, backfill mining has been rapidly developed and applied in the past 20 years, forming a technical system mainly consisting of solid and paste filling materials, and fully mechanized and continuous mining filling as the main processes. This paper summarizes the technical characteristics and classification of coal based solid waste filling and mining, represented by gangue and fly ash. The basic physical and chemical properties of solid wastes such as coal gangue, fly ash, slag, gasification slag, and desulfurization gypsum indicate that coal based solid waste has the feasibility of being used as filling materials. The compression characteristics of gangue solid and paste filling materials are summarized, and the characteristics of the two main filling and mining processes, continuous mining and charging and comprehensive mining filling, are analyzed. Prospects are made in expanding the range of coal based solid waste filling materials, improving the production capacity of filling and mining, and reducing filling costs, in order to provide ideas for the future development of coal based solid waste filling and mining.


