
Occurrence State and Potential Recycling Evaluation of Lithium from Fluorite Tailings

  • 摘要: 对浙江某萤石尾矿中锂的赋存状态开展详细的研究,并对锂的回收潜力进行评价。工艺矿物学研究表明,尾矿中的含锂矿物为铁锂云母、白云母和金云母,三类云母矿物中的平均锂含量分别为4.16%、0.47%和0.51%,其中62.82%分布于铁锂云母中,故要重点加强对铁锂云母的分选。但由于白云母、金云母与铁锂云母的浮游性能相似,在浮选过程中将一并进入到锂云母精矿,导致云母精矿Li2O品位偏低而无法得到合格的产品。但是可以采用强磁选法从云母精矿中分离出合格的铁锂云母精矿。也可以采用强磁选法处理给矿,将铁锂云母、褐铁矿和软锰矿分选到磁性产品中,然后用阳离子浮选法从磁性产品中浮选得到铁锂云母精矿。采用浮选—磁选法技术或和磁选—浮选法需通过选矿试验进一步确定。


    Abstract: The occurrence state of lithium in fluorite tailings in Zhejiang was studied while the availability of lithium recovery was evaluated. The process mineralogy research revealed that lithium mainly existed in zinnwaldite, muscovite, and phlogopite, and the average lithium contents in the three types of mica minerals were 4.16%, 0.47% and 0.51%, respectively, and 62.47% of lithium was distributed in zinnwaldite which should be strengthened. However, due to the similar flotation performance of zinnwaldite, muscovite, and phlogopite, the flotation process results in the co-enrichment of these minerals, making it difficult to obtain a high-quality lithium concentrate. Nonetheless, qualified iron lithium mica concentrate can be separated from mica concentrate by high intensity magnetic separation. In addition, the technique can also be used to treat the ore by separating zinnwaldite, limonite and pyrolusite into magnetic products, followed by cationic flotation to obtain an iron-limonite concentrate. Overall, the technical index for either flotation-magnetic separation or magnetic separation-flotation requires further testing to determine its efficacy.


