
Effect of Iron Content in Graphite Tailings from Luobei on Properties of Foamed Ceramics

  • 摘要: 通过磁选工艺降低石墨尾矿混合原料的铁含量,研究了铁含量对制备发泡陶瓷的性能影响。结果表明,磁选工艺可以显著降低石墨尾矿的铁含量;当磁选给矿−0.074 mm含量为71.64%、磁场磁感应强度为0.8 T、矿浆质量浓度为15%时,石墨尾矿TFe2O3含量从6.37%降低到2.18%。通过发泡陶瓷制备试验发现,磁选后的混合原料的TFe2O3含量从4.65%降低到1.81%,制备的发泡陶瓷外观颜色明显改善,抗压强度从7.2 MPa提高到7.9 MPa,导热系数从0.33 W/(m·K)提高到0.36 W/(m·K);抗压强度有所提高,保温性能有所降低,整体上磁选前后发泡陶瓷的性能差异较小。


    Abstract: This study focuses on reducing the iron content of graphite tailings through magnetic separation technology and investigating its effect on the properties of foamed ceramics. The results showed that the iron content in graphite tailings could be significantly reduced by magnetic separation processes. Specifically, the content of TFe2O3 in graphite tailings decreased from 6.37% to 2.18% when the content of −0.074 mm was 71.64%, the magnetic field induction was 0.8 T and the pulp density was 15%. Moreover, the appearance color of the foamed ceramics improved significantly, while the compressive strength increased from 7.2 MPa to 7.9 MPa, and the thermal conductivity increased from 0.33 W/(m·K) to 0.36 W/(m·K). After the magnetic separation process, the compressive strength of the foamed ceramics had been improved, and the thermal insulation performance had been reduced, but the overall performance remained largely unchanged.


