
Research Progress on Characteristics and Comprehensive Utilization of Bauxite Resource in China

  • 摘要: 铝土矿是我国战略性矿产之一,是国家经济建设的重要物质基础,在保障产业链供应链安全稳定中具有重要作用。概述了我国铝土矿资源储量、分布、类型以及资源特点;对比了我国铝土矿主要矿区的矿石物质组成与矿石特征;介绍了铝土矿在不同行业的应用情况及品质要求,详细阐述了铝土矿选矿技术现状,以及共伴生组分及元素、尾矿、赤泥和耐火材料废料的综合利用技术,最后分析了铝土矿在开发利用过程存在的主要问题,并提出了针对性的建议。


    Abstract: Bauxite is one of the strategic minerals in China, an important material basis for national economic construction, and plays a significant role in ensuring the security and stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain. The bauxite resource reserves, distribution, types and resource characteristics in China were overviewed. The ore material composition and ore characteristics of the main bauxite mining areas in China were compared, the applications and quality requirements of bauxite in different industries as well as the current status of bauxite beneficiation technology, and the comprehensive utilization technology of co-associated components and elements, tailings, red mud and refractory waste were introduced. Finally, the main problems associated with bauxite development and utilization were analyzed, and targeted suggestions were put forward.


