
Mechanism of Hydration Reaction of Cementitious Materials Prepared with Molybdenum Tailings and Waste Residue

  • 摘要: 以钼尾矿为主要原料,辅以高炉渣、石膏等原料,制备多固废胶凝材料,研究了钼尾矿掺量、养护工艺对净浆试样力学性能的影响,并利用XRD、DTA-TG和SEM等方法对钼尾矿胶凝材料的水化反应机理开展了基础研究。结果表明,当m(钼尾矿)∶m(矿渣)∶m(熟料)∶m(石膏)为30∶50∶10∶10时,60 ℃养护试样的性能相对较好,28 d抗压强度可以达到48.4 MPa。钼尾矿废渣胶凝材料的水化产物主要是AFt和C-S-H凝胶,随着龄期的增加,其水化产物也逐渐增多。多种水化产物相互交织、穿插和填充,促进试样强度的不断增长。


    Abstract: Waste cementitious material was prepared with molybdenum tailings, slag, clinker and gypsum as main raw materials. The influence of molybdenum tailings content and curing technology on the mechanical properties of the net pulp test block were studied. The hydration reaction mechanism of the cementitious material of molybdenum tailings was systematically studied with XRD, DTA-TG and SEM. The results showed that when m(molybdenum tailings)∶m(slag)∶m(clinker)∶m(gypsum) was 30∶50∶10∶10, the performance of the test block was relatively good at 60 ℃, and the compressive strength of 28 d could reach 48.4 MPa. The hydration products of the cementing material of molybdenum tailings and waste residues were mainly AFt and C-S-H gel. With the increased of curing age, the hydration products also increase gradually. There were variety of hydration products interweave, intersperse and fill, which promoted the strength of the test block to increase.


