
Preparation of Plastering Mortar from Low-silicon Iron Tailings

  • 摘要: 抹面砂浆用于涂抹在建筑物或建筑构件表面,起到保护墙体的作用,提高防潮、防腐蚀、抗风化性能,增加耐久性;同时可使建筑达到表面平整、清洁和美观的效果。武钢资源集团程潮矿业有限公司杨家湾尾矿坝低硅铁尾矿堆存量巨大、利用难度高,以该低硅铁尾矿为原料,通过添加水泥和外加剂利用水化反应机理制备抹面砂浆,探究了水胶比、胶砂比、可再分散乳胶粉用量、纤维素醚用量等因素对抹面砂浆性能的影响,并在水胶比为0.8、可再分散乳胶粉用量1.67%、羟丙基甲基纤维素醚用量0.6%、引气剂用量0.06%、铁尾矿质量分数为71.4%(胶砂比1/2.5)的高掺量条件下制备出和易性较好、稠度和凝结时间合适、抗压强度为M5等级、满足《GB/T 25181—2019 预拌砂浆》的铁尾矿抹面砂浆,为低硅铁尾矿的资源化利用提供了一条有效利用途径。


    Abstract: Plastering mortar is a kind of mortar that mainly used on the surface of buildings or building elements, thereby protecting walls, improving moisture resistance, corrosion resistance and weathering resistance, and increasing its durability. Meanwhile, a flat, clean and beautiful building surface can be achieved after applying the plastering mortar. The stockpiling of large tailings in Yangjiawan tailings pond of WISCO Resources Group Chengchao Mining Co. LTD has difficulties for utilization due to its low-silica contents. In this paper, the effects of water-binder ratio, binder sand ratio, dispersible emulsion powder dosage, cellulose ether dosage and other factors on the performance of plastering mortar were investigated. A high admixture of 71.4% iron tailings (binder-sand ratio 1/2.5) was used to prepare the plastering mortar. The tailing-made plastering mortar with good compatibility, suitable consistency and setting time, and compressive strength of M5 grade was prepared, providing an effective way for the resource utilization of the large amount of low-silicon iron tailings in this tailing pond.


