
Experimental Study on Iron Recovery from Flotation Tailings of Donganshan Iron Ore by Combined Magnetic Separation and Flotation Process

  • 摘要: 东鞍山烧结厂浮选尾矿TFe品位为22.82%,FeO含量为9.87%,SiO2的含量为51.24%,S和P含量较低,均为0.03%,属于低硫、低磷、高硅型铁尾矿。此外,该尾矿-0.038 mm粒级含量高达56.44%,同时铁矿物主要集中在该粒级中,铁分布率达到67.62%。为了实现该铁尾矿的高效回收利用,本试验采用搅拌磨磨矿—弱磁选—强磁粗选—强磁精选—反浮选流程开展了系统的试验研究。结果表明:在搅拌磨磨矿细度为−0.038 mm占95%、弱磁选磁感应强度95 kA/m、强磁粗选磁场磁感应强度796 kA/m、强磁精选磁场磁感应强度398 kA/m的条件下,可获得TFe品位为38.20%、TFe回收率为63.51%的混合磁选精矿指标;将混合磁选精矿在矿浆温度40 ℃、矿浆pH值为11.5、淀粉用量1000 g/t、CaO用量900 g/t、粗选捕收剂TD-2用量600 g/t、一次精选捕收剂TD-2用量为300 g/t、二次精选捕收剂TD-2用量为300 g/t的条件下进行反浮选,闭路试验可获得TFe品位为62.34%、TFe作业回收率为55.10%的浮选精矿。全流程TFe回收率为35.00%,综合尾矿TFe品位为17.01%。试验结果可为东鞍山浮选尾矿中的铁矿物高效选矿回收提供指导。


    Abstract: The flotation tailings of the Donganshan sintering plant contain 22.82% Fe, 9.87% FeO, 51.24% SiO2 and a low S and P content of 0.03%, which belongs to low sulphur, low phosphorus and high silicon type iron tailings. In addition, the tailings contain 56.44% of the −0.038 mm particles. Also, the distribution of iron minerals in this size-level was 67.62%. In order to achieve efficient recovery of iron from this tailings, a systematic experimental study was carried out in this experiment using the process of stirred mill grinding - low intensity magnetic - high magnetic roughing - high magnetic selection - reverse flotation. The results showed that a mixed magnetic separation concentrate with a TFe grade of 38.20% and a TFe recovery of 63.51% was obtained at a fineness of −0.038 mm (95%), a magnetic induction of 95 kA/m for the low magnetic separation, high intensity magnetic field strength of 796 kA/m for roughing magnetic separation and high intensity magnetic field strength of 398 kA/m for cleaning magnetic separation. The appropriate reverse flotation conditions for mixed magnetic concentrates were pulp temperature 40 ℃, pulp pH 11.5, starch dosage of 1000 g/t, CaO dosage of 900 g/t, rougher collector TD-2 dosage of 600 g/t, primary cleaning collector dosage of 300 g/t and secondary cleaning collector dosage of 300 g/t. The flotation concentrate with iron grade of 62.34% and iron recovery of 55.10% was obtained by closed-circuit test. The continuous test for complete flow were carried out, the iron concentrate with iron grade of 62.43% and iron recovery of 35.00% was obtained, and the iron grade of comprehensive tailings was 17.01%. The test results can provide guidance for the high-efficiency beneficiation and recovery of iron minerals in the flotation tailings of Donganshan.


