
Experimental Study on Comprehensive Recovery of Rare Earth and Fluorite from an Iron Tailings of Concentrator in Bayan Obo

  • 摘要: 白云鄂博铁矿是世界上罕见的大型多金属矿床,多年来只作为铁矿和稀土矿进行开发,选别流程中稀土回收率较低,造成大量稀土资源和矿体中蕴含的萤石资源随着选铁尾矿排入到尾矿库中。为综合回收稀土和萤石资源,以白云鄂博某选厂选铁尾矿为研究对象,开展综合回收稀土和萤石的研究,采用的工艺流程为稀土浮选—萤石预选—萤石精选—强磁选。稀土浮选以水玻璃为抑制剂、SR为捕收剂、2#油为起泡剂,萤石预选以水玻璃为抑制剂、SF为捕收剂,萤石精选以酸性水玻璃为调整剂、SY为抑制剂、油酸钠为捕收剂,最终获得了REO品位50.54%、REO回收率92.32%的稀土精矿和CaF2品位95.51%、回收率50.98%的萤石精矿。


    Abstract: The Bayan Obo Iron Mine is a rare large-scale polymetallic deposit in the world, only iron ore and rare earth were utilized for many years. The recovery rate of rare earth in the beneficiation process is low, resulting in a considerable amount of rare earth and fluorite resources contained in the ore body being discharged into the tailings pond alongside the iron tailings. To achieve comprehensive recovery of rare earth and fluorite resources, the research on comprehensive recovery of rare earth and fluorite was carried out with the iron tailings of a concentrator in Bayan Obo. The process flow adopted in the test was rare earth flotation - fluorite preconcentration - fluorite concentration - high intensity magnetic separation. Sodium silicate, SR and 2# oil were used in rare earth flotation. Sodium silicate and SF were used in fluorite preconcentration. Acidified sodium silicate, SY and sodium oleate were used in fluorite concentration. Finally, rare earth concentrate with REO grade of 50.54%, REO recovery of 92.32% and fluorite concentrate with CaF2 grade of 95.51% and recovery of 50.98% were obtained.


