
Research on Efficient Development and Utilization Technology of All Components of Daxigou Siderite

  • 摘要: 陕西大西沟拥有我国最大的菱铁矿床,现有焙烧工艺与尾矿处理面临着生产成本与环保的挑战。为提升矿山企业生命力,实现“降本增效,无尾矿山”的目标,对大西沟菱铁矿展开系统性研究。研究结果表明,试验矿石为低磷含硫含铜的磁铁矿-菱铁矿,根据其性质制订了预选抛尾—干式磨矿—闪速磁化焙烧—选铁—综合回收铜与云母—尾矿建材化的全流程方案。原矿TFe品位仅为19.91%,铁品位较低,这将大幅度增加后续处理成本。因此,为降低后续处理成本,矿石经磁选抛尾处理使得TFe品位达到23.34%。以预选样品作为基准,全流程可获得TFe品位60.49%、铁回收率83.81%的铁精矿,铜品位17.54%、铜回收率76.43%的铜精矿,含K2O、Al2O3分别为8.32%、25.36%和回收率30%左右的云母精矿,以及含K2O、Al2O3分别为6.06%、18.66%和回收率20%以上的次级云母精矿等四类产品,并且尾矿可作为建筑材料,实现了矿石的全组分利用,达到无尾矿山这一目标。


    Abstract: Daxigou, Shaanxi Province, has the largest siderite deposit in China, and the existing roasting process and tailings treatment were constantly facing the challenges of production cost and environmental protection. A systematic study was undertaken to enhance the vitality of mining enterprises and achieve the goal of "reducing costs and increasing efficiency, no tailings". The results showed that the test ore consisted of magnetite-siderite with sulfur, and copper, and low phosphorus. Based on the properties of the ore, a comprehensive process flow comprising of pre-selection tailing, dry milling, flash magnetization roasting, iron beneficiation, the recovery of copper and mica and tailings building materials was developed. The TFe grade of the raw ore was low, only 19.91%, which would significantly increase the cost of subsequent processing. Therefore, the ore was pretreated by magnetic separation to achieve a TFe grade of 23.34% and reduce the subsequent processing cost. Furthermore, through the whole process, the iron concentrate with TFe grade of 60.49%, iron recovery rate of 83.81% was obtained, along with the copper concentrate with a copper grade of 17.54% and copper recovery rate of 76.43%. Meanwhile, the mica concentrate was obtained, and its K2O and Al2O3 contents were 8.32%, 25.36% and recovery rate was about 30% respectively. Additionally, the secondary mica concentrate contained K2O and Al2O3 at 6.06% and 18.66%, respectively, with a recovery rate of more than 20%. Notably, the tailings could be repurposed as building materials. All component utilization of the ore and the goal of tailing-free mine would be achieved.


