The mining of mineral resources will inevitably mix with surrounding rock and rock inclusion, resulting in the reduction of ore grade, with the development and utilization of a large number of mineral resources, the reserves of high-grade and easy to concentrate mineral resources are decreasing, and the economic and efficient development and utilization of low-grade and complex refractory mineral resources is becoming more and more urgent. The application of preconcentration for tailing discarding technology is of great significance to improve the grade of ore, reduce the amount of grinding, reduce the discharge of fine tailings, improve the utilization rate of resources and reduce environmental pollution. Be based on discarding of tailings by photoelectric beneficiation, gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation, combined beneficiation process, the present situation and progress of preconcentration for tailing discarding technology are introduced respectively, and points out the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of preconcentration for tailing discarding technology, each preconcentration for tailing discarding technology has its unique advantages, the combined beneficiation process be solve an effective development and utilization of low-grade mineral resources with an important technological breakthrough, preconcentration for tailing discarding technology will become a general and necessary process in mineral processing.