
Research on Process and Mechanism of Magnetization Roasting by Straw Biomass for Hematite

  • 摘要: 磁化焙烧—磁选工艺是实现铁矿富集的有效手段,生物质作为一种低污染、分布广泛、储量丰富的资源可以进行热化学转化制取磁化焙烧过程中所需的还原剂。本研究采用秸秆型生物质对赤铁矿进行磁化焙烧,通过试验,确定了焙烧温度750 ℃、焙烧时间7.5 min、生物质质量配比20%、气体流量300 mL/min的最佳焙烧工艺参数,取得了铁精矿TFe品位超过71.0%、回收率超过99.5%的优良指标。XRD、VSM、SEM检测结果显示:赤铁矿特征衍射峰转化为磁铁矿特征衍射峰,单位质量磁矩超过1 500 A·m2/g,最大比磁化系数达到0.26×10-3 m3/kg,实现了由赤铁矿到磁铁矿的物相转变。研究验证了秸秆型生物质作为赤铁矿磁化焙烧还原剂的可行性,为我国秸秆资源和铁矿石资源的利用提供了一种有效途径。


    Abstract: Magnetic roasting-magnetic separation process is considered as a feasible solution to separate iron mine. Because of its characters of low-pollution, widely distributed and resource-rich, biomass can be transformed in a thermochemical way to reductant applying in magnetizing roast. This research utilizes hematite and straw biomass to carry magnetization roasting experiment. Under conditions of 750 degrees C, roasting time of 7.5 min, iron ore and biomass dosing of 10:2, pure nitrogen with 300 mL/min, this research acquires index of iron concentrate with grade of more than 71.0% and recovery of more than 99.5%. Test results of XRD, VSM, SEM show that specific diffractive peak of hematite transforms into specific diffractive peak of magnetite, while magnetic moment per unit mass reaches more than 1 500 A·m2/g and the maximum of special magnetization coefficient achieves 0.26×10-3 m3·kg-1. It verifies the feasibility of straw biomass as a magnetized roasting reducing agent, providing an effective solution to utilization of straw and iron resources.


