
Research Progress on Decyanation of Cyanide Tailings and Recovery of Valuable Metal Resources

  • 摘要: 全球约75%的金矿选矿厂采用氰化浸金法,每年产生大量氰化尾渣,造成资源的严重浪费,威胁生态环境及人类健康。本文围绕氰化尾渣成分及国内外处理现状,分析了氰化尾渣脱氰技术及应用,并着重分析了氰化尾渣中金、银、铜、铅、锌、铁和碲等有价金属的回收利用技术。通过对氰化尾渣脱氰方式和有价金属回收利用两个方面研究进展的总结,为氰化尾渣的无害化与资源化提供了参考和借鉴。


    Abstract: Approximately 75% of gold ore processing plants in the world apply cyanidation leaching method, which produces a large amount of cyanidation tailings. It causes serious waste of resources and threatens the ecological environment and human health. Focusing on the present situation of cyanidation tailings over the world, this paper analyses the decyanidation technology and application. Simultaneously, this paper emphatically analyzes the recycling technology of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, iron, tellurium and other valuable metals in cyanidation tailings. Eventually, this paper summarizes the research progress of decyanation method of cyaniding tailings and recycling of valuable metals, and provides a reference for the harmless and recycling of cyaniding tailings.


