
Influence of Different Flocculants on Settling Effect of Lead-Zinc Tailings

  • 摘要: 由于尾矿颗粒粒度细,沉降困难,尾矿的高效沉降浓缩已成为一个重要的课题。为了提高尾矿沉降速率和提升水质,分别考察了两种无机高分子絮凝剂和两种有机高分子絮凝剂的用量对尾矿絮凝浓缩的影响,根据絮凝效果,选择其中两种絮凝剂进行药剂复配、相应的絮凝沉降试验以及显微镜絮团图像分析,并讨论了絮凝机理,旨在揭示无机絮凝剂、有机絮凝剂以及复合絮凝剂在絮凝效果方面的关系。结果表明:针对硫化铅锌矿的浮选尾矿,无机絮凝剂在降低上清液浊度方面效果显著,聚合硫酸铁(PFS)在提升沉降速率方面优于聚合氯化铝(PAC);有机絮凝剂在提高沉降速率方面效果突出,阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)在去除浊度方面明显优于阴离子聚丙烯酰胺(APAM);PFS-CPAM复合絮凝剂则在保证去除浊度效果的同时,极大提升了沉降速率,并优于两种单一絮凝剂。


    Abstract: Due to the fine particle size and difficult settlement of tailings, the efficient settlement and concentration of tailings has become an increasingly important topic.In order to improve the sedimentation rate and improve the water quality of tailings, research on two kinds of inorganic polymer flocculants, and the dosage of the two kinds of organic polymer flocculant effect on flocculation concentration tailings, according to the flocculation effect, two kinds of flocculants for drug distribution, the corresponding flocculation sedimentation experiment floccules and microscope image analysis, and discussed the flocculation mechanism, aims to reveal the inorganic flocculants, organic flocculants and composite flocculants on flocculation effect.The results show that for flotation tailings of lead-zinc sulfide ore, the inorganic flocculant has a significant effect on reducing the turbidity of supernant solution, and the polyferric sulfate (PFS) is better than the polyaluminum chloride (PAC) in improving the settling rate. Organic flocculants have a prominent effect on increasing the sedimentation rate, and cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) is obviously better than anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) in removing turbidity. PFS-CPAM composite flocculant can not only ensure the turbidity removal effect, but also greatly improve the sedimentation rate, and is better than two single flocculants.


