
Comparison and Analysis on Zero Discharge Process of Beneficiation Wastewater in Lead-zinc Mine

  • 摘要: 铅锌选矿厂废水量大、污染物组分复杂,且含有多种有毒有害物质,处理达标外排或循环利用难度大。以栖霞山铅锌矿和会泽铅锌矿为研究对象,概述了矿石性质、所用选矿工艺和浮选药剂,对比分析了选矿废水的源头分质回用和末端处理回用,阐述了选矿废水零外排的效果。通过对比分析,指出了在选矿工艺的选择制订时,应将选矿废水的处理回用一并纳入考虑。选矿废水的源头分质回用是实现选矿废水回用最经济有效的途径,在选矿废水源头分质回用的基础上进行选矿废水末端适度处理,甚至深度处理回用,不仅可以提高选矿废水处理回用效率和降低处理回用成本,且能达到选矿废水零排放的目标。


    Abstract: The wastewater of lead-zinc mineral processing plant is characterized by large amount, complex components of pollutants and various toxic and harmful substances. Therefore, it is difficult to deal with up-to-standard discharge or recycling. Qixiashan lead-zinc mine and Huize lead-zinc mine are taken as the research object. The ore properties, mineral processing technology and flotation reagents are summarized. The source and end treatment reusing of beneficiation wastewater are compared and analyzed. The effect of zero discharge of beneficiation wastewater is described. Based on the comparative analysis, it can be concluded that the treatment and reuse of beneficiation wastewater should be taken into consideration in the process of selection and formulation of mineral processing technology. The source separation and reuse of beneficiation wastewater are the most economic and effective way. On the basis of the separation and reuse of mineral processing wastewater from the source, moderate treatment and even advanced treatment and reuse of beneficiation wastewater can not only improve the efficiency of beneficiation wastewater treatment and reuse and reduce the cost of treatment and reuse, but also achieve the goal of zero discharge of beneficiation waste water.


