
Experimental Study on Alumina Extraction by Calcination of Secondary Aluminum Ash

  • 摘要: 铝灰是铝工业冶炼生产过程中产生的主要污染物之一,二次铝灰与碳酸钙配料后煅烧可以形成以铝酸钙为主要成分的煅烧渣,利用铝酸钙溶出氧化铝是处理二次铝灰的一个有效方法。本试验以二次铝灰与碳酸钙为原料,对二次铝灰钙化煅烧过程中铝灰的钙化与铝酸钙浸出氧化铝的过程进行了研究。试验结果表明,铝灰钙化的最佳煅烧条件为碳酸钙与铝灰质量比1 GA6FA 1、煅烧温度1 000℃、煅烧时间90 min,在此条件下,碳酸钙完全分解且锻后产物活性度较高,可获得主要成分是Ca12Al14O32F2的煅后料;煅后料在NaOH浓度160 g/L、Na2CO3浓度66.67 g/L、溶出温度85℃、溶出时间45 min的条件下,氧化铝浸出率最大,浸出率为79.22%。研究经济而有效的铝灰处理方法,不仅可以实现铝资源的高效循环利用,而且对于社会的可持续发展也产生深远的影响。


    Abstract: Aluminum ash is one of the main pollutants produced in the smelting and production process of the aluminum industry. The secondary aluminum ash and calcium carbonate can be calcined to form a calcined slag with calcium aluminate as the main component. The use of calcium aluminate to dissolve out alumina is an effective method for the treatment of secondary aluminum ash. In this experiment, secondary aluminum ash and calcium carbonate were used as raw materials to study the calcification process of aluminum ash during the calcination of secondary aluminum ash and dissolution process of calcium aluminate. The test results showed that the optimal calcination conditions for calcification of aluminum ash were: mass ratio of calcium carbonate to aluminum ash 1 GA6FA 1, calcination temperature 1 000 ℃, calcination 90 min. Under this condition, calcium carbonate was completely decomposed and the activity of the product after forging is high, and the calcined material whose main component was Ca12Al14O32F2 can be obtained. Under the conditions of NaOH concentration 160 g/L, Na2CO3 concentration 66.67 g/L, dissolution temperature 85 ℃, dissolution time 45 min, the leaching rate of alumina was the largest, and the leaching rate was 79.22%.Studying economical and effective aluminum ash treatment methods can not only achieve efficient recycling of aluminum resources, but also have a profound impact on the sustainable development of society.


