The dissemination relationship of galena, sphalerite and pyrite is complex in a lead and zinc sulfide ore located in Sichuan Province. The grade of lead and zinc concentrate obtained by the separation process of "lead tailings-zinc" with the collector of the 25
# aerofloat and the neutral condition was relatively low, and the lead and zinc in the concentrate were severely contained in each other. It was difficult to achieve the efficient recycling of lead and zinc resources. Therefore, based on the properties of the lead-zinc sulfide ore, reagent Y2 with the better ability of selectivity and collection was used as the collector to sorting lead, while the zinc sulfate was used to the depressant under the condition of high alkali. The lead concentrate was obtained by the process of " one rough separation- three fine selections", and the zinc was obtained after the process of "two scavengings of roughing tailings". Laboratory small-scale closed-circuit test results showed that the lead concentrate with the lead content of 50.34%, the zinc content of 6.59% and the lead recovery of 80.61%, and the zinc concentrate with the zinc content of 49.44%, the lead content of 1.94% and the zinc recovery of 88.60% was obtained under the condition of the raw ore with the lead content of 1.39% and the zinc content of 2.38%. Compared with the on-site process, the indicators of laboratory small-scale closed-circuit test was better. For the lead concentrate, the lead grade had increased by 6.46%, the lead recovery had increased by 7.04%, and the impurity zinc content had reduced by 2.23%. For the zinc concentrate, the zinc grade had increased by 6.02%, the zinc recovery had increased by 5.06%, and the impurity lead content had reduced by 0.9%, which demonstrated that the new collector Y2 has better applicability.