
Research Progress on Resource Utilization of Phosphogypsum

  • 摘要: 介绍了磷石膏所含杂质及其对环境带来的危害,并分析了目前广泛应用的预处理方法的优缺点。全面总结了磷石膏在生产水泥缓凝剂、建材、农业、生产硫酸联产水泥、作土壤改良剂、堆存及回填处理等领域的应用研究现状。最后根据磷石膏资源化利用过程中存在的问题,提出一些合理化建议,以期能有助于磷石膏的资源化利用。


    Abstract: The impurities in phosphogypsum and its harm to the environment were introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of the widely used pretreatment methods were analyzed in this paper. The application of phosphogypsum in the fields of cement retarder, building materials, agriculture, the production of sulfuric acid co-production cement, soil improver, storage and backfill treatment were comprehensively summarized. Finally, according to the problems existing in the utilization process of phosphogypsum, some reasonable suggestions were put forward in order to contribute to its the utilization


