
Comprehensive Utilization of Phosphogypsum and Research Suggestions on Key Common Technology Innovation

  • 摘要: 磷石膏是磷酸工业生产的副产物,堆放量逐年增加,给环境和农业安全带来了巨大威胁。介绍了磷石膏综合利用途径,分析了磷石膏生产水泥、制备硫酸铵、硫酸钾、碱性土壤调理剂的机理,建议开展磷石膏综合利用关键共性技术创新的研究以及加大磷石膏源头减排技术研发,实现磷石膏无害化、资源化和高值化利用。


    Abstract: Phosphogypsum is a by-product of phosphoric acid industrial production, and its stacking volume is increasing year by year, which brings a great threat to the environment and agricultural safety. The way of comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum was described, and the mechanism of phosphogypsum producing cement, preparing ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate and alkaline soil conditioner was analyzed. It is proposed that carrying out the research on key common technology innovation of comprehensive utilization and source emission reduction technology of phosphogypsum, realizing the harmless, resource-based and high-value utilization of phosphogypsum.


