
Comparative Study on Characteristics of Coal Gangue Porous Soil and Natural Soil

  • 摘要: 煤炭矿区开发会产生和堆存大量的废弃物,占用大量的土地资源并引起环境污染、土地荒漠化、水土流失等问题。使用煤矸石等废弃物制作多孔土壤应用于矿区的生态修复,既解决了煤矸石等废弃物的堆存问题又可以恢复生态环境,是矿区生态修复重要的研究方向。该文章考察了煤矸石发泡制备多孔土壤特性,包括松装密度、粒级分布、pH、保水性、流失率、保温性等,并与天然土壤特性进行对比。试验表明,与天然土壤相比,煤矸石多孔土壤松装密度降低约36%,保水量增加约51%,流失率降低约63.1%,且保温性更优,但pH偏高,适于种植耐碱性植物,需进一步加工处理后方可用于大宗植物生长。


    Abstract: The development of coal mining areas will generate and accumulate a large amount of waste, occupy a large amount of land resources and cause problems such as environmental pollution, land desertification and soil erosion. The use of coal gangue and other wastes to make porous soil for ecological restoration in mining areas not only solves the problem of waste storage of coal gangues but also restores the ecological environment, which is an important research direction for ecological restoration in mining areas. This article examined the characteristics of porous soil prepared by foaming coal gangue, including bulk density, particle size distribution, pH, water retention, loss rate, heat retention, etc., and compared it with natural soil characteristics. Experiments showed that compared with natural soil, the loose density of coal gangue porous soil was reduced by about 36%, the water retention was increased by about 51%, the loss rate was reduced by about 63.1%, and the thermal insulation was better, but the pH was high, suitable for planting alkali-resistant Sexual plants. Further processing was required before they can be used to grow large plants.


