
Mineralogical Characteristics and Calcination Composition Changes of Coal Gangue in Shuozhou Area of China

  • 摘要: 目前,煤矸石利用是固废处置与利用的重要内容之一,煤矸石的综合利用与其矿石性质密切相关,但对煤矸石各组分的嵌布关系,元素分布、物相存在形式、微观形貌等相关研究较少。文章针对我国朔州地区煤矸石开展工艺矿物学研究,采用XRD、XRF、EDS、SEM等方法,查明了该煤矸石成分为石英、高岭土、黄铁矿、伊利石、金红石,且多为集合体形式存在,其颗粒微观形貌呈现层状或鳞片状。煤矸石中有用矿物高岭石的含量为56.3%,其次为石英21.1%,伊利石15%。铁杂质主要以黄铁矿存在,其含量为6.5%。煤矸石煅烧试验表明:黄铁矿在850℃左右开始被氧化,生成赤铁矿;在1 000℃煅烧2 h,煤矸石中碳降低到0.1%以下,硫含量也降低到1.74%。在900~1 000℃温度区间内,高岭石转变为无定型的偏高岭土。


    Abstract: At present, the utilization of coal gangue is one of the important contents of solid waste disposal and utilization. The comprehensive utilization of coal gangue is closely related to its ore properties, but there are few related researches on the distribution of elements, the existing forms of phases, and the micro-morphology of coal gangue components. In this paper, the process mineralogy of coal gangue in Shuozhou region of China was studied. XRD, XRF, EDS, SEM and other methods were used to find out that the coal gangue is composed of quartz, kaolin, pyrite, illite and rutile, and most of them exist in the form of aggregates, and the micro-morphology of its particles was lamellar or scaly. The content of useful mineral kaolinite in coal gangue was 56.3%., followed by quartz 21.1%, illite 15%. Iron impurities mainly existed in pyrite with a content of 6.5%.Calcination test of coal gangue shows that: Pyrite began to be oxidized at 850 ℃ to form hematite. When calcined at 1 000 ℃ for 2 hours, the carbon content in coal gangue was reduced to below 0.1%, and the sulfur content was also reduced to 1.74%. In the temperature range of 900~1 000 ℃, kaolinite was transformed into amorphous metakaolin.


