
Present Situation of Comprehensive Utilization of Tailings Resources in China

  • 摘要: 简要介绍了目前我国尾矿资源的现状,论述了在当前经济发展形式和环保要求下,尾矿资源综合利用的必要性。列举大量实例和数据,简述了尾矿综合利用途径和发展现状,并指出尾矿综合利用是实现矿产行业可持续发展的必然选择。进一步开展尾矿综合利用的研究,将尾矿的综合利用同环境治理结合起来,既能取得良好的经济效益,又能产生显著的社会效益。


    Abstract: The paper introduces status of tailings resource briefly, and discusses the necessities of comprehensive utilization of tailings in the current economic development situation and environmental protection in China. Based on a large number of examples and data, the approaches of comprehensive utilization and current development status are described. The significant choice for mineral industry to achieve sustainable development is comprehensive utilization of tailings. Further research on the comprehensive utilization of tailings, combining the comprehensive utilization of tailings with environmental treatment, can not only realize good economic benefit, but also produce significant social benefit.


