
Effects of Different Planting Plants of Soil Salt Ions Migration and Distribution in Bauxite Residue

  • 摘要: 为了研究不同植物种植条件下赤泥堆场土壤盐分组成变化,采用田间试验方法研究了柽柳、碱蓬、菌草、竹子、小麦和黑麦草6种植物生长3年后的土壤表层(0~20 cm)盐分组成特征,并以未种植植物的堆场赤泥为对照。结果表明,种植碱蓬、小麦、菌草和竹子可以明显降低土壤交换性钠含量,提高阳离子交换量(CEC),土壤碱化度(ESP)下降了35.10%~66.65%;种植植物条件下土壤阴离子含量依次是:竹子 < 小麦 < 菌草 < 柽柳 < 碱蓬 < 黑麦草,其中竹子移栽地土壤的Cl-/SO42-比值为0.99,与对照相比,处于稳定状态;土壤中水溶态Na+占水溶态阳离子总量的比例和钠吸附比(SAR)均下降,其中竹子移栽地降幅最大,分别为23.95%和64.30%。研究结果发现,种植植物可以改善赤泥土壤环境,利于植物生长,其中竹子改良效果最佳,为植被重建过程中的土壤盐分调控提供科学依据。


    Abstract: In order to study the effect of different planting conditions on changes of soil salinity in the bauxite residue disposal area, a field experiment was conducted to study the salt composition of the soil surface layer (0-20 cm) after 3 years of plant growth, such as Tamarisk, Seepweed, Giant Juncao, Bamboo, Wheat and Ryegrass, and the bauxite residue of unplanted plants was took as a control. The results showed that the planting of Seepweed, Wheat, Giant Juncao and bamboo could significantly reduce soil exchangeable sodium content, increase cation exchange capacity(CEC), and reduce exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) by 35.10%-66.65%. The soil anion content in the planting conditions was: Bamboo < Wheat < Giant Juncao < Tamarisk < Seepweed < Ryegrass, in which the soil Cl-/SO42- ratio of bamboo transplanted soil was 0.99, compared with the control, in a stable state. The ratio of water-soluble Na+ in the soil to the total amount of water-soluble cations and the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) decreased, among which bamboo transplanted plants had the largest declines, which were 23.95% and 64.3%, respectively. The results showed that planting plants could improve the bauxite residue soil environment and facilitate plant growth, among them, bamboo had the best improvement effect. This provided scientific basis for soil salt regulation during vegetation reconstruction.


