
Preparation of Porous Silicate Supported Micro-nano ZVI from Copper Slag and Its Application for Removing Cr(VI) From Wastwater

  • 摘要: 本研究以铜渣为原料,通过碳热还原法制备多孔硅酸盐负载型微纳米铁(简称微纳米铁),用于去除废水中的Cr(VI)。研究了微纳米铁的制备条件和废水降解条件对去除Cr(VI)的影响,并探究了相关的反应机理。结果表明,在焙烧温度为1 150℃、焙烧时间为40 min、煤用量为25%的条件下制备的微纳米铁去除Cr(VI)的效率最高。扫描电子显微镜和能谱分析表明,铜渣还原焙烧后形成多孔结构,硅酸盐孔洞表面镶嵌大量纳米级至微米级零价铁颗粒。增加微纳米铁的用量、提高废水温度和降低溶液的初始pH值,可以提高Cr(VI)的去除率。在微纳米铁用量为1 g/L、废水温度为27℃、初始pH为3的条件下,处理浓度为10 mg/L的废水,反应2.5 min即可去除100%的Cr(VI)。机理分析表明,微纳米铁与Cr(VI)发生了氧化还原反应,Cr(VI)被还原生成Cr(Ⅲ)并被矿化为铬铁矿。


    Abstract: In this study, copper slag was treated by carbothermal reduction to prepare of porous silicate supported micro-nano ZVI (micro-nano iron). The effects of roasting conditions and degradation conditions on the performance of micro-nano iron for removing Cr(VI) from wastewater were investigated, and the reaction mechanisms are studied. Results showed that the micro-nano iron prepared under the conditions of calcination temperature of 1 150 ℃, calcination time of 40 min, and coal dosage of 25% presented the best performance for removing Cr(VI). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) showed that copper slag forms porous structure after reduction roasting, and a large number of nano-sized to micro-sized ZVI particles were generated on the surface of silicate matrix hole. The Cr(VI) removal process was enhanced by increasing the micro-nano iron dosage and solution temperature, and decreasing the initial pH of the solution. The mechanism analysis shows that the micro-nano iron and Cr(VI) have undergone an oxidation-reduction reaction, and Cr(VI)was reduced to Cr(Ⅲ)and mineralized into chromite.


