
Treatment of Arsenic Containing Waste Acid and Development of Arsenic Fixation Technology in Nonferrous Smelting

  • 摘要: 有色冶炼的含砷污酸处置伴随着大量含砷危险废弃物的排放,给企业运行和外部环境造成了巨大压力。为避免环境污染和含砷危险废弃物二次处置,以"废渣减量化、无害化及资源化"为目的的污酸处置技术受到广泛的关注,对迁移性较强的含砷危废进行稳定化处置作为解决现有危废处置的中主要手段也是当前研究重点。本文综述了石灰铁盐法、硫化法、臭葱石沉淀法、浓缩法以及含砷污酸处置技术,结合污酸处置中产生的主要含砷固废特性,对污酸处置和固砷技术进行了详细的分析。根据当前污酸处置技术的工业应用和最新研究进展,对含砷污酸处置和固砷新技术进行了展望。


    Abstract: The disposal of arsenic-containing wastewater in nonferrous smelting is accompanied by the discharge of a large number of arsenic-containing hazardous wastes, which brings great pressure to the operation and external environment of enterprises. In order to avoid environmental pollution and the secondary disposal of arsenic-containing hazardous waste, the treatment technology of wastewater with the purpose of "waste residue reduction, harmless and recycling" has attracted wide attention. The stabilization treatment of arsenic-containing hazardous waste with strong migration is also the main means to solve the existing disposal of hazardous waste. In this paper, the lime iron salt method, sulfuration method, scorodite precipitation method, concentration method and arsenic-containing wastewater treatment technology are summarized. Combined with the main characteristics of solid waste containing arsenic in the wastewater treatment, the wastewater treatment and arsenic fixation technology are analyzed in detail. Based on the current industrial application and the latest research progress of wastewater treatment technology, the prospect of new technology of arsenic-containing wastewater treatment and arsenic fixation is prospected.


